It's not entirely how fast you go...
But what happens along the way!
Sunday, August 24
location TBA

It's not entirely how fast you go...
But what happens along the way!
Sunday, August 24
location TBA

Are you ready to race?
The Amazing Race Texas Scramble
You’ll be challenged both physically and mentally as each hole offers a different challenge.
Stay the course as you navigate through roadblocks, pit stops, and detours!
Grab your bandana and fanny pack, we’ll be traveling the course in style with our best rendition of the
TV show, The Amazing Race!

Are you ready to race?
The Amazing Race Texas Scramble
You’ll be challenged both physically and mentally as each hole offers a different challenge.
Stay the course as you navigate through roadblocks, pit stops, and detours!
Grab your bandana and fanny pack, we’ll be traveling the course in style with our best rendition of the
TV show, The Amazing Race!